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  • Vortrag

The German Social Code 7 (Sozialgesetzbuch/SGB 7) obligates employers with 20 or more employees to appoint at least one safety officer.

The safety officer is tasked with contributing to the implementation of measures for the prevention of workplace accidents and occupational diseases at all times.

The total number of safety officers required by the company depends on:

  • The number of employees,
  • The existing risks of accidents and health hazards,
  • The spatial, temporal, and professional proximity of the responsible safety officers to the employees.

Hence, there are no tables where one could look up the number of required safety officers. Each company must decide this for itself. The criteria are more precisely defined in Section 4.2 of DGUV Regulation 100-001.

Code Course Title Location Price (EUR)
SiBe-A-Grund Sicherheitsbeauftragte A (Grundseminar) verschieden free Join
SiBe-B-BS Sicherheitsbeauftragte B (Baustellen) verschieden free Join
SiBe-B-Büro Sicherheitsbeauftragte B (Büro) verschieden free Join
SiBe-B-LaLog Sicherheitsbeauftragte B (Lager und Logistik) verschieden free Join
SiBe-B-WS Sicherheitsbeauftragte B (Werkstatt) verschieden free Join
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