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The Construction Site Ordinance (BaustellV) has required since 1998 that the client appoint at least one safety and health protection coordinator for construction sites where employees of multiple employers are active, for both the planning and execution phases of the construction project.

The coordinator's role is to contribute to ensuring that:

  • The construction project,
  • The construction process, and
  • Subsequent work on the building structure

are safe at all times.

The task of the SiGeKo (Safety and Health Coordinator) is to coordinate all necessary measures to protect employees during the planning phase of a construction project. They are responsible for creating a Safety and Health Protection Plan (SiGe-Plan), which includes details such as:

  • Individual trades,
  • Hazards,
  • Protective measures,
  • Special occupational safety regulations, and
  • Safety precautions for particularly hazardous tasks.

Additionally, they prepare the so-called "Documentation for Subsequent Work," which outlines occupational safety measures (e.g., during maintenance and upkeep) for the building structure. During the construction phase, the SiGeKo organizes and coordinates the collaboration of various employers concerning occupational safety. This includes monitoring the work processes of individual trades.

Suitable coordinators, according to RAB 30, should have:

  • At least two years of professional experience in the planning or execution of construction projects,
  • Technical knowledge in construction as a civil engineer, architect, foreman, site supervisor, or technician,
  • Occupational safety expertise and specific coordinator knowledge for SiGe coordinators (RAB 30, Annex B + C), consisting of
    • Occupational safety knowledge according to BaustellV Annex B, and
    • Specific coordinator knowledge according to BaustellV Annex C.
Code Course Title Location Price (EUR)
SiGeKo-B Arbeitsschutzfachliche Kenntnise nach BaustellV Anl. B verschieden 999.00 Join
SiGeKo-K Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsschutzkoordinator (Kombi-Kurs) verschieden 1899.00 Join
SiGeKo-C Spezielle Koordinatorenkenntnisse nach BaustellV Anl. C verschieden 999.00 Join
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