The Safety Certificate Contractors (SCP) is an occupational health and safety management system recognized by the German Accreditation Body (DakkS). It was originally developed and used in the Netherlands by local oil companies to enhance the level of occupational health and safety when employing personnel from personnel service providers. Today, most oil companies, power plant operators, network operators, and many chemical companies expect their contractors to have this certification. If these contractors utilize personnel from temporary employment agencies, they must also possess the corresponding certification (exceptions are possible).
The requirements are divided into seven chapters, which largely implement legal requirements:
- HSE: Policy, organization, and management commitment
- HSE risk assessment
- HSE training, information, and instruction
- HSE awareness
- HSE project support
- Occupational medical care
- Reporting, registration, and investigation of accidents, near misses, and unsafe situations
The occupational health and safety management system "Safety Certificate Contractors" (SCP) also requires, in its regulations (Chapters 3.3 and 3.4), recognized training and examination on safety, health, and environmental protection (HSE) for all operational employees and managers of the contractors.
The SCP checklist includes all examination criteria that are relevant for the assessment within an audit and for the final certification decision.