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The "Safety Certificate Contractors" (SCC) was developed as a certification system by safety-critical industries (e.g., chemical and petrochemical processing) for contractors working on their premises. It integrates the domains of occupational safety, health, and environmental protection. This framework is now internationally applicable to manufacturers and service providers in other industries (e.g., power plants) as it considers the specific requirements of each industry during certification. The goal is to reduce the risk of accidents, occupational diseases, and environmental incidents through safety-conscious behavior of employees. This philosophy also supports economic efficiency, as a decrease in the number of incidents naturally leads to financial relief for companies.

Our training programs are specifically designed for operational leaders or employees. Participants gain comprehensive knowledge to prevent accidents and learn about safety management according to the certification system. The practice-oriented delivery of extensive learning objectives in line with the SCC regulations additionally provides optimal preparation for the recognized SHE examination following SCC documents 017 and 018.

Code Course Title Location Price (EUR)
SGU-FK-IT "Formazione SSA (SGU) per Dirigenti Operativi" verschieden 899.00 Join
SGU-MA-IT "Formazione SSA (SGU) per Lavoratori Operativi" verschieden 899.00 Join
SGU-FK-ES Curso de SSMA (Seguridad, Salud y Medio Ambiente ) para mandos operativos. verschieden 899.00 Join
SGU-MA-ES Curso de SSMA (Seguridad, Salud y Medio Ambiente ) para trabajadores. verschieden 899.00 Join
SGU-FK-EN HSE training for operational managers (SCC) verschieden 899.00 Join
SGU-MA-EN HSE training for operational workers (SCC) verschieden 899.00 Join
SGU-FK SGU-Schulung für op. Führungskräfte verschieden 899.00 Join
SGU-MA SGU-Schulung für op. Mitarbeiter verschieden 899.00 Join
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